Modulübersicht B 25.05 International Competence: Asia

Nr.WorkloadCreditsStudiensemesterHäufigkeit des AngebotsDauer
B 25.05210 Std.7 CP2. Semesterjedes Semester1 Semester
Modulverantwortliche(r)Lehrende(r) im Modul
Dr. Elmar-Laurent BorgmannDr. Elmar-Laurent Borgmann, Jens Andreas Faulstich, Sarah Krajewski, Heinz-Wilhelm Schaumann, Prof. Dr. Magadalena Stülb, Dr. Gabriele Wolff
Art des ModulsVeranstaltungsform(en)KontaktzeitSelbststudiumgeplante GruppengrößeLehrsprache
WahlpflichtSeminar mit integrierter Übung128 Std.82 Std.25 Stud.Englisch/Deutsch

Verwendung des Moduls

  • Bachelor-Studiengang Gesundheits- und Sozialmanagement (Basismodul)
  • Bachelor-Studiengang Logistik und E-Business (Basismodul)
  • Bachelor-Studiengang Management, Führung, Innovation (Basismodul)
  • Bachelor-Studiengang Sportmanagement (Basismodul)

This module is designed for students who would like to focus on international and regional studies and would like to place special emphasis on the Caucasus region.


This module builds up on the skills acquired in Module B 14.

The objective of the course is to equip students with theoretical and practical knowledge on the issues and challenges of global politics, economy, and demographic issues in the context of globalisation and global governance. Students analyse issues and challenges from a global per-spective and come up with solutions through group discussions and individual research.

The module will also focus on topics ranging from healthcare in America and Europe, to collegiate sports and their impact on professional sports, to research based on the economics principles. Furthermore, students will examine and discover facts and statistics through readings, will learn methods and theories, practice interview skills as well as have group discussions. If possible, students will organise a fieldtrip to Berlin and will have a chance to participate in several interview processes related to international aspects of German politics. Students will be responsible for giving a group presentation on an international topic.

The students acquire knowledge about social, cultural, political and economic structures in two economically relevant regions of the world: Southeast/East Asia and the South Caucasus coun-tries Georgia, Azerbaijan and Armenia. Beyond the country-specific background knowledge, the students will also learn about basic methods of intercultural comparison and the respective cate-gories, which will also help them to critically reconsider their own assumptions and implicit catego-ries. Thus, the students will also boost their culture-general and cross-national competencies.

In addition, the theoretical and social competencies developed in Module B14 will be deepened by giving the students an opportunity to apply their knowledge through real-life international and inter-cultural encounters with students and faculty members of partner institution (short-term exchange). This international encounter will enable students to take an even more balanced decision on wheth-er a graduate study program or a study abroad semester in an English-speaking environment should be undertaken. In addition, the students will receive a separate certificate about their joint activities with the students of the respective partner university – which will help them to sharpen their international profile for their future careers.


Sozial- und KommunikationskompetenzAbility to
*take an active part in seminar discussions
*present and discuss current challenges in politics, economy and society
*elicit meaningful responses in structured interviews
*present collaborative results in groups
*present factual and statistical information
*engage in debates and present international facts and statistics
*work in mixed-nationality teams to develop contributions ad-dressing topics concerning the Caucasus and Southeast and East Asia
*discuss reports provided by guest speakers and peers
*integrate into international teams
*integrate other participants into mixed international teams
*anticipate potential areas of conflict and act proactively
WissenserwerbKnowledge of
*international economic structures
*current challenges in politics, economy and society
*international relations
*global institutions like the World Health Organisation (WHO)
*background facts about global challenges
*cultural, economic, political and social facts about the South Caucasus and Southeast and East Asia historical back-ground to current developments
*selected partner universities and the academic settings
*higher education in different countries and regions
*historical, economic and political facts about selected countries and regions
WissensvertiefungKnowledge of
*study resources for global economic policy, Global Govern-ance and global demographic issues
*research on economic principles
*major challenges caused by current political developments involving Europe, Russia and the United States
*current economic trends in the South Caucasus region and in Southeast and East Asia
*resources for research on higher education institutions
Instrumentale KompetenzApplication of the theoretical knowledge in
*academic papers
*group presentations
*specific case descriptions
*academic debates and discussions
*techniques for interviews with specialists and those with a first-hand knowledge
*relevant facts and statistics
*hypotheses on key economic issues
Systemische KompetenzEvaluation of
*the impact of transnational networks on business success
*relevant facts and statistics
*hypotheses on key economic issues
*the impact of transnational cooperation on the economy of the Caucasus states and in Southeast and East Asia
*international academic encounters both in Germany and abroad

Vermittelte Schlüsselqualifikationen

Analytical skills, presentation skills, academic writing skills, research skills, international English and communication skills, distinction of different registers, social and intercultural competencies, intercultural leadership skills, integrated listening skills, text production skills, reading skills, con-flict management skills, English negotiation skills, intercultural teamwork skills, integrated listen-ing skills, text production skills, reading skills, conflict management skills.


In the context of their international studies, students will learn about current political and economic developments with a focus on challenges and potential conflicts. They will engage in information research and develop alternatives for action and potential solutions to conflicts. The students will be introduced to appropriate methods for active research on current topics and knowledge areas. This way, they will develop their ability to conduct expert interviews, hone their general presentation skills on topics related to international business and boost their ability to analyse and present factual/statistical information. Economic networks with Southeast and East Asian countries are of great importance to Europe. Germany in particular has become one of the most important European trading partners for China and for various countries in Southeast Asia. Intercultural competences, basic knowledge of histor-ical and current developments in these countries contributes to a better understanding of the con-textual factors of business relationships. The relations between the European Union and the former Soviet Countries of the Southern Cauca-sus have grown not only in terms of quantity, but also in terms of profile and goal orientation – and their main aim is the political and economic stabilisation of this region. As a result, the activi-ties of German companies have increased considerably. In this course, the Southeast and Eastern Asian regions and the three Southern Caucasus states mentioned above will be introduced from a historical perspective, but also with a focus on current economic, social and political development processes. The focus will be placed on the host country of the international experience linked to this module. This module explicitly encourages cooperation with selected partner universities. The partner uni-versity will send students and/or lecturers to our university and/or invite students of our university for a short-term mobility. The short-term direct interaction with international academic partners will be organised by International Affairs in conjunction with students and it will feature academic lec-tures and workshops as well as social and cultural activities. Participants will be prepared for the different academic environment, analysing similarities and differences, understanding the different types of academic requirements and routines in the respective new setting, learning about the re-spective host cultures and guest cultures as well as reviewing the personal learning process and growth.


Interactive talks and in-class discussions, guided pair work and small-group assignments, Blended Learning formats, analysis of video case studies, exercises to enable self-reflection and under-stand stereotypes, simulation of business communication situations, text discussions, text pro-duction with individual feedback. Parts of the module will be delivered in team teaching involving two lecturers and expanded by experience reports from students who are familiar with Azerbaijan and Georgia and Asia. Students focus on individual research topics and share their results with the other students in class. Guest speakers will be invited in order to integrate practical challenges for companies and policy-makers into the classroom.


Formal: Full time B.A. students in the Faculty of Business and Social Sciences.

Academic: Skills developed in Module B14. Ability to communicate in an English-speaking environment.


Prüfungsleistung in Form von Assignments (bestehend aus vier gleichgewichteten Einheiten).
Stülb/Wolff - Internationale Kultur und Wirtschaftsräume \\
Schaumann - International Studies I \\
Krajewski - International Studies II \\
Stülb/Wolff - International Experience: Teilnahme an der digitalen Kaukasus-Sommerschule(s.Ausschreibung)

ArtDatum der LeistungserbringungPrüfungsanmeldung
(bitte Zeitangabe ...Min) Ende 1. HS*Ende 2. HS*individuelles Datum
Klausur: 90 Min.wird vom PA festgelegt*  bei Klausur nicht möglich
Hausarbeit mit Prä
Andere (Assignments)31.08.21 x 

* Prüfungsamt Termine


Voraussetzung für die Vergabe von ECTS-Punkten ist das Bestehen der Prüfungsleistung für das Modul. Diese wird aus den einzelnen Bestandteilen des Assignments generiert, welche gleichge-wichtet in die Modulbewertung eingehen. Es gibt keine Bestehensgrenzen auf Basis der einzelnen Einheiten des Assignments. Das Modul geht mit 7 ECTS in die Gesamtzahl von 180 ECTS-Punkten ein.


Gumppenberg, von Marie-Carin/ Steinbach, Udo (Hg.) (2010): Der Kaukasus: Geschichte, Kultur, Politik. Beck’sche Reihe. Kaufmann, Rainer (2000): Kaukasus. Prestel-Verlag Hofmann, Tessa (2006): Annäherung an Armenien. Geschichte und Gegenwart. Beck'sche Reihe. Babajew, Aser (2014): Weder Krieg noch Frieden im Südkaukasus. Hintergründe, Akteure, Entwick-lungen zum Bergkarabach-Konflikt. Nomos Reiter, Erich (Hg.) (2009): Die Sezessionskonflikte in Georgien. Böhlau Verlag Rammig-Leupold, Gisela (2013): Armenien. Land am Ararat. Geschichte, Religion und Tradition. Mitteldeutscher Verlag. Vorlaufer, Karl (2016): Südostasien: Geographie, Geschichte, Wirtschaft, Politik. Darmstadt: WBG

DIGITAL RESOURCES: Business English: Meetings. Selbstlernkurs + Vokabeltrainer mit authentischen Gesprächssituatio-nen und abwechslungsreiche Übungen für amerikanisches und britisches Englisch. München: digi-tal publishing [Lernsoftware]. The students will be provided with a wide range of additional tailored information resources, case studies and interactive exercises through the learning platforms OpenOLAT and Moodle.



Abstract: International Competence: Asia

B 25.05210 hrs7 CP2nd semesterevery semester1 semester
TypeTeaching formatContact hoursIndependent studyGroup sizeLanguage of tuition
ElectiveSeminar with Integrated Tutorial128 hrs82 hrsca. 25 students per groupEnglish/German


letzte Änderung der Seite: August 14, 2021

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