Kursübersicht "Spezielle Aspekte des Marketings"

Special Aspects of Marketing: Communication to Improve Health and Health Care

Lecturer: Amy Edmunds, Coastal Carolina University


This course provides students with an overview of the various areas of study within the health communication discipline. Students explore multiple communication issues relevant to health including language, information processing, the social construction of health and illness, patient-doctor communication, and the mutually influential relationships among health care professionals, patients, friends and family members, and cultural institutions.


Upon completion of this course, the student should be able to:

  1. Explore ways that health, illness, and disease are constructed through inter-personal, small group, public, cultural, and mediated communication.
  2. Increase awareness of the organization of health care systems and the role of communication within these institutions.
  3. Become a more literate and critical consumer of health information.
  4. Participate more effectively in your own and your family’s health care.
  5. Define vocabulary associated with health care.
  6. Design a health message campaign.
  7. Continue to hone written and oral communication, research, and cognitive skills.

Teaching Methods

  • Regular attendance is essential. You are responsible for all notes, assign-ments, and information disseminated in class, with or without an excused ab-sence.
  • Participation in class discussion is expected. This involves voluntary input.


Formal: Full-time student in a B.A. Programme in the Faculty of Business and Social Sciences

Academic: This course does not build up on any other courses offered on campus. As the language of instruction and assessment will be English, students need to be fluent in English - both in terms of oral and written communication.

Places are limited in supply (cf. Module Description).


Exams - 2 @100 pts. each200Weeks 3 & 6
Assignments - 4 @ 25 pts. each100Weeks 1,2,4,5 (homework, class activities)
Group Project200 

Group Project: Health Message Campaign

Student teams will address the following questions by designing a health message campaign.

  • Topic, campaign title, campaign slogan: Why have you chosen this topic, and why is a campaign on this topic important? You are creating a rationale for this campaign. What is the name of your campaign? What is a catchy slogan that will be associated with your campaign? (70%)
  • Target audience: What audience will you focus on? Why? Is there research to support focusing on this audience? (Minimum of three citations required). (40%)
  • Message goal: What is the primary goal of your message? What are the smaller objectives of the message? (60%)
  • Media channels & methods: What media channels will be used to convey your message (e.g., TV, magazine, newspaper, radio, Internet, multi-component)? What makes these the best channels to reach your audience? CITE. What specific methods will be used (e.g., poster, PSA, magazine ad, newspaper ad, web page, billboard, multiple methods, etc.)? Where will you place your message? Which radio station? Which TV channel? Which magazine? (30%)
ArtDatum der LeistungserbringungPrüfungsanmeldung
  Ende 1. HS*Ende 2. HS*individuelles Datum
Klausur (90 Min.) (30%)wird vom Prüfungsamt festgelegt  tt.mm.jj
Präsentation (20%)tt.mm.jj  tt.mm.jj
Hausarbeit (30%)tt.mm.jj  tt.mm.jj
Andere (20%)tt.mm.jj Xtt.mm.jj

* Prüfungsamt Termine


Siehe Modulbeschreibung.

Suggested Reading:

Communicating About Health: Current Issues and Perspectives, Athena du Pré, Fifth edition. (NOTE: Earlier edition also possible if preferred or easier to obtain). ISBN: 9780190275686 Paper, 448 pp., Published 13 July 2016.

letzte Änderung der Seite: February 01, 2018

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