Course Outline "Macroeconomic key factors and their impact on business (B 51)"

Instructor: PhD. Altay Ismayilov 2016, Qafqaz University

Course Objective

This course is designed to introduce students to key macroeconomic issues, analyze various macroeconomic indicators and highlight their implications for business performance. Models and theories studied will enable students to understand how and why government intervene the markets, and their impact on business. Some key considerations will include economiic flucatuations, price indexes, unemployment, interest rates, money, economic growth, financial markets, and international trade.

Course Outline

Week 1Introduction, Unemployment, Inflation and Fluctuations, Measuring Economic PerformanceLessons 1-2Chapters 18-19
Week 2Economic Growth in the Global Economy. Financial Markets, Saving and Investment.Lessons 3-4Chapters 20-21
Week 3Aggregate Supply and Aggregate Demand. The Aggregate Expenditure ModelLessons 5-6Chapters 22-23
Week 4Mid-term Exam (Quiz). Fiscal Policy.Lesson 7Chapter 24
Week 5Money, Banking and the Federal Reserve System. Monetary Policy, _Interest Rate.Lessons 8-9Chapters 25-26
Week 6Issues in Macroeconomic Theory and Policy. International Trade.Lessons 10-11Chapters 27-28
Week 7International Finance. Final Exam.Lesson 12Chapter 29

Teaching Method

The course will be delivered in lecture format - but the lectures will not be monotonous. Active participation is extremely important. Group discussions, case studies etc. are an essential component as there is a difference between knowing economic theory and determining what economics has to offer in the context of a particular business problem. This is why various economic and business cases for group decision making, teamwork and expression of ideas have been implemented. Additionally, there will be small-group activities like brainstorming about particular topics such as guess firm and consumer behavior, the impact of various economic decisions on business. Students will be encouraged to discuss the problems among themselves first, then report back.

The language of instruction is English.


Formal requirements: Full-Time students of Business Administration (B.A.) in the Faculty of Business and Social Sciences.

Content requirements: Fluency in English.


Grades will be based on a mid-term exam worth 40 points and a final exam (or written essay and/or presentation) worth 60 points, for a total of 100. Exams will be based on the material covered in class. The instructor reserves the right to make changes to this syllabus, as appropriate.


Exploring Economics, 6th or 7th Edition, by Robert L. Sexton.

ArtDatum der LeistungserbringungPrüfungsanmeldung
(bitte Zeitangabe ...Min) Ende 1. HS*Ende 2. HS*individuelles Datum
Klausur: ...Min.wird vom PA festgelegt*  bei Klausur nicht möglich

* Prüfungsamt Termine


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letzte Änderung der Seite: October 13, 2016

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