"Course Unit: International Comparison of Sport Systems (S A 03)"

Lehrende(r) der Kurseinheit:

Prof. Dr. Lucie Thibault, Brock University


The purpose of this course is to examine political, economic, social, and cultural forces leading to the globalization of sport. Topics may include migration of athletes, sporting goods manufacturing in developing and least developed countries, global sport-media complex, international sport organizations and the structures and governance of international sport, and the resurgence of nationalism.

Students will also be exposed to sport systems from different countries and cultural contexts, identify their features and understand them within their socioeconomic context. The relationships to intercultural components will enable students to communicate in encounters with representatives of other sport systems.


This course will give students the opportunity to analyze the structures and governance of international sport and various national sport systems. This approach will enable them to identify political, economic, social, and cultural features of sport in a global context. This approach and the comparative analysis of the sport systems will reveal their system-specific strengths and weak nessesand some of the ways in which they impact sport. Understanding the global context has become imperative in the preparation of sport leaders. International issues in our field such as the commercialization of the Olympic Games and other international games, the increasing political involvement in sport, the global media-sport complex, the migration of athletes, and the global business of sport will be covered during the course.

Teaching Methods

Interactive Lecture with various active learning exercises.


Formal: Full-time student of Business Administration (MA Program) in the Faculty of Business and Social Sciences (WISO) OR exchange student with approved learning agreement.

Academic: This course does not build up on any other courses offered on campus. It is therefore suitable for first-semester students. As the language of instruction and assessment will be English, students need to be fluent in English - both in terms of oral and written communication.


Presentations (including written papers) to be presented in class. Additional information will be provided in class. The deadline for the written papers will be May 19, 2017. The course will be offered during the first teaching term (March 23 -May 21).

ArtDatum der LeistungserbringungPrüfungsanmeldung
(bitte Zeitangabe ...Min) Ende 1. HS*Ende 2. HS*individuelles Datum
Klausur: ...Min.wird vom PA festgelegt*  bei Klausur nicht möglich
Test: ...Min.tt.mm.jj  tt.mm.jj
Präsentationnach AbspracheX tt.mm.jj
Hausarbeit19. Mai 2017X tt.mm.jj
Anderett.mm.jj  tt.mm.jj

* Prüfungsamt Termine


Die Prüfungsleistung ist erbracht und ECTS-Punkte werden zuerkannt, wenn Prüfungsleistungen zu vier verschiedenen Kurseinheiten des Gesamtmoduls bestanden worden sind.

Die Prüfungsleistung für diese Kurseinheit geht zu einem Viertel in die Prüfungsleistung für das Gesamtmodul ein.


Will rely on scholarly articles available online. The instructor will provide more details and more readings in class. Examples of some articles:

  • Bale, J., & Maguire, J. (2013). The global sports arena: Athletic talent migration in an interpendent world. Routledge.
  • Campbell, R. (2011). Staging globalization for national projects: Global sport markets and elite athletic transnational labour in Qatar. International Review for the Sociology of Sport, 46(1), 45-60.
  • De Bosscher, V., De Knop, P., van Bottenburg, M., Shibli, S., Bingham, J. (2009). Explaining international sporting success: An international comparison of elite sport systems and policies in six countries. Sport Management Review, 12(3), 113-136. doi:10.1016/j.smr.2009.01.001
  • De Bosscher, V., De Knop,P., van Bottenburg, M., Shibli, S. (2006). A conceptual framework for analysing sports policy factors leading to international sporting success. European Sport Management Quarterly, 6(2), 185-215. doi:10.1080/16184740600955087
  • De Bosscher, V., Shibli, S., Westerbeek, H., van Bottenburg, M. (2015). Successful elite sport policies: An international comparison of the Sports Policy factors Leading to International Sporting Success (SPLISS 2.0) in 15 nations. Maidenhead, UK: Meyer & Meyer Sport.
  • European Commission – Sport. (2013). EU Work Plan for Sport 2011-2014 Expert Group “Good Gover-nance” Deliverable 2. Principles of good governance in sport (pp. 1-16). Retrieved from http://ec.europa/.eu/sport/library/policy_documents/xg-gg-201307-dlvrbl2-sept2013.pdf
  • Forster, J. (2006) The global sports organisations and their governance. Corporate Governance, 6(1), 72–83.
  • Green, M. (2007). Policy transfer, lesson drawing and perspectives on elite sport development systems. International Journal of Sport Management and Marketing, 2 (4), 426-441.
  • Healey, D. (2012). Governance in sport: Outside the box? The Economic and Labour Relations Review, 23(3), 39-60.
  • Katwala, S. (2000) Democratising global sport. London: The Foreign Policy Centre.
  • KPMG International. (2014). Benchmarking analysis on sport organizations. Retrieved from http://www.sport.fi/system/resources/W1siZiIsIjIwMTQvMDQvMDQvMTRfNDNfMDRfMTk1X0tQTUdfQmVuY2htYXJraW5nX0FuYWx5c2lzX29uX1Nwb3J0X09yZ2FuaXphdGlvbnMucGRmIl1d/KPMG%20Benchmarking%20Analysis%20on%20Sport%20Organizations.pdf
  • Maguire, J. (2011). Power and global sport: Zones of prestige, emulation and resistance. Sport in Society: Cultures, Commerce, Media, Politics, 14(7-8), 1010-1026.
  • Mason, D., Thibault, L., & Misener, L. (2006). An agency theory perspective on corruption in sport: The case of the International Olympic Committee. Journal of Sport Management, 20(1), 52-73.
  • Moore, G., (2016, July 20). A sporting chance. Economia, July-August, 50-55. Retrieved from http://economia.icaew.com/opinion/july-2016/a-sporting-chance
  • Schulenkorf, N., & Frawley, S. (Eds.) (2016). Critical issues in global sport management. Routledge.
  • Thibault, L. (2009). Globalization of sport: An Inconvenient Truth. Journal of Sport Management, 23(1), 1-20.
  • Thibault, L., Kihl, L.A., & Babiak, K. (2010). Democratisation and governance in international sport: Addressing issues with athlete involvement in organisational policy. International Journal of Sport Po-licy, 2(3), 275-302.

letzte Änderung der Seite: March 08, 2017

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